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Shafieezadeh, Abdollah


Dr. Shafieezadeh is the Lichtenstein Associate Professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental & Geodetic Engineering at The Ohio State University. He directs Risk Assessment and Management of Structural and Infrastructure Systems (RAMSIS) lab. The research interests of his lab include

  • advancing uncertainty quantification methods focusing on applications related to reliability, resilience, and life-cycle performance of structural and infrastructure systems,
  • decision making in stochastic environments, including topics such as planning and sequential decision making, value of information analysis, and deep as well as safe reinforcement learning, and
  • physics-based, data-informed computational modeling of the built environment, specifically focusing on applications related to aging processes and the compounding effects of aging and extreme hazards on infrastructure components and systems.

These advancements have been applied at RAMSIS lab to a wide range of structures and infrastructure systems from buildings, bridges, electric utility structures, wharves, underground pipes, and levees to the power grid, seaports, pipelines, bridge networks, and flood defense systems. Dr. Shafieezadeh's research has tackled both acute stresses from climatic and geologic hazards as well as chronic stresses of aging and deterioration. The research at RAMSIS lab has been supported by a large, diverse group of federal and state agencies as well as the industry and international entities.

In serving the profession and the society, Dr. Shafieezadeh has been active in multiple ways. This included testifying before the United States Senate about current and future challenges posed by climate change on the built environment and communities as well as presenting on effective ways to mitigate and adapt to the changing landscape of risks. He is also the Associate Editor of ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering and is on the Editorial Board of several journals including Structural Safety and Sustainability. He has over 200 journal and conference papers and presentations. Dr. Shafieezadeh is the recipient of the Sam Nunn Security Fellowship on the role of technology in public policy from Georgia Institute of Technology. He holds a Ph.D. from Georgia Tech, M.S. from Utah State University and M.S. and B.S. from University of Tehran.