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CEGE professor addresses French Parliament
Jeffrey M. Bielicki discusses energy storage before Assemblee Nationale
Bohrer and collaborators study causes of plant stress
Gil Bohrer , Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering, and collaborators...
Best foot forward
Tyler Durbin excels in the classroom and on the football field
CEGE Associate Chair gives graphics history lesson during China trip
Dr. Frank Croft , Associate Professor and Associate Chair in the department of...
New resource established for graduate student news and information
FROM THE GROUND U P , the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geodetic...
Bielicki leads Metropolitan Club discussion
CEGE professor moderates Alternative Energy Update
Charles Toth honored for contributions to photogrammetry and remote sensing
Charles K. Toth , Research Professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental...
Center for Aviation Studies continues its ascent
The Ohio State University Airport was the subject of a recent article in The...
Vultures help researchers observe weather data
Griffon vultures are large and efficient soaring birds, which makes them ideal...
Gutierrez Soto named Presidential Fellow
Mariantonieta 'Mariant' Gutierrez Soto, Ph.D. candidate in Civil Engineering...