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The mission of the Knowledge for Water and Energy System Transitions Lab is to shape the future of our communities', our state's, and our nation's water and energy infrastructure through research, education, and service.

The research mission of the KWEST Lab is to conduct high-quality, maximally open work that will guide the transition to more resilient and sustainable water and energy infrastructure systems by 2050. We do this by evaluating the technical processes, analyzing the policies, and studying the personal decision making that society will need to get us there.

The educational mission of the KWEST Lab is to train the next generation of engineers and technologists to inform policy and support the public on matters of our infrastructure in an environment.  We do this by equipping trainees with a policy analyst's toolkit and embracing what James March calls the "Technology of Foolishness."

The service mission of the KWEST Lab rejects the "culture of disengagement" in STEM and builds off of our first duty as engineers - to hold paramount the welfare of the public.  We do this by responsibly engaging on research topics that matter to the public and diversifying STEM through the creation of an inclusive environment and a commitment to outreach activities.